Otec čte synovu žákovskou knížku: "Matematika pět..."
Prásk, synovi jednu do držky.
"Čeština pět..." Prásk mu druhou do držky.
"Zpěv jednička..." Prásk mu další do držky...
Syn: "Ale jak to? Vždyť jsem měl jedničku!"
Otec naštvaně prohodí: "Tak tobě bylo po dvou koulích ještě do zpěvu?!"



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Project Fourth Edition 2 Classroom Presentation Tool eWorkbook (Oxford Learner's Bookshelf)


Kód produktu: 0334456
EAN / ISBN: 9780194823654
Nakladatel: Oxford University Press
Cena s DPH: 370
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Popis produktu

Project Fourth Edition 2 Classroom Presentation Tool eWorkbook (Oxford Learner's Bookshelf)


This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before.
Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are replaced with dramatized episodes of Kids, the photo-story from the Student's Book. For your kinaesthetic learners there are new fun total physical response pronunciation activities in the pronunciation bank at the back of the Student's Book. Other students will enjoy reading the stories in the extensive reading bank.

And you will love all the teacher support available with Project fourth edition. Use digital resources more effectively in your lessons with the digital workshops that give you step by step guides to using some of the most educationally beneficial sites on the internet as well as ideas for how you can use them with the projects in the Student's Book.

Key Features:

  • The tried and tested methodology of Project which is trusted by teachers around the world
  • New animated cartoons and grammar presentations available through iTools
  • New extensive reading bank with stories graded at the appropriate level
  • New pronunciation bank including both TPR activities and quiet individual activities
  • New test generator which allows you to create unique tests pitched to the right level for your students
  • More multi-skill and communication exercises to prepare you students for using English in the real world
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Soukromé osoby:

Soukromým osobám prodáváme (z kapacitních důvodů) pouze objednávky, které přesahují hodnotu 999 Kč. Vždy požadujeme platbu předem převodem na účet, na základě vystavené zálohové faktury.


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Firmám dodáváme již od 1 Kč hodnoty objednávky. Vždy požadujeme platbu předem převodem na účet, na základě vystavené zálohové faktury.

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